2009 Executive Trading : Politicians Trading Cards

Politicians Trading Card Series ½ were released in 2009 by Executive Trading LLC. Each box contains 24 packs with 8 cards per pack. The 291-card series showcases members of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the United States government. Executive Trading released the 112th Congress Trading Cards update in 2012.

2009 Executive Trading : Politicians Trading Cards : FL1S Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson served in the House of Representatives from 1972–1991, and as Florida Senator from 2001–2019. Nelson is the second sitting member of Congress to travel into space after Senator Jake Garn in 1985. Nelson was a payload specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-61-C from January 12–18, 1986. Bill Nelson was sworn in as the 14th NASA Administrator on May 3, 2021.

AK1R Don Young
AK1S Mark Begich
AL1R Jo Bonner
AL2R Bobby Bright
AL3R Mike Rogers
AL1S Jeff Sessions
AL4R Robert B. Aderholt
AR1R Marion Berry
AR2R Vic Snyder
AR1S Mark Pryor
AZ2R Trent Franks
AZ3R John Shadegg
AZ4R Ed Pastor
AZ1S Jon Kyl
AZ2S John McCain
CA1R Mike Thompson
CA2R Wally Herger
CA3R Dan Lungren
CA4R Tom McClintock
CA5R Doris Matsui
CA6R Lynn Woolsey
CA7R George Miller
CA8R Nancy Pelosi
CA9R Barbara Lee
CA10R Ellen Tauscher
CA11R Jerry McNerney
CA12R Jackie Speier
CA13R Pete Stark
CA14R Anna G. Eshoo
CA15R Mike Honda
CA16R Zoe Lofgren
CA17R Sam Farr
CA18R Dennis Cardoza
CA19R George P. Radanovich
CA20R Jim Costa
CA21R Devin Nunes
CA22R Kevin McCarthy
CA23R Lois Capps
CA24R Elton Gallegly
CA25R Buck McKeon
CA26R David Dreier
CA27R Brad Sherman
CA1S Dianne Feinstein
CO1R Diana DeGette
CO2R Jared Polis
CO3R John T. Salazar
CO1S Mark Udall
CT1R John B. Larson
CT2R Joe Courtney
CT3R Rosa L. DeLauro
CT1S Joe Lieberman
DC1R Eleanor Holmes Norton
DE1R Mike Castle
DE1S Tom Carper
FL1R Jeff Miller
FL2R Allen Boyd
FL3R Corrine Brown
FL4R Ander Crenshaw
FL5R Ginny Brown-Waite
FL6R Cliff Sterns
FL7R John L. Mica
FL8R Alan Grayson
FL9R Gus Bilirakis
FL10R C. W. Bill Young
FL11R Kathy Castor
FL12R Adam H. Putnam
FL1S Bill Nelson
GA1R Jack Kingston
GA2R Stanford D. Bishop, Jr.
GA3R Lynn A. Westmoreland
GA4R Hank Johnson
GA5R John Lewis
GA6R Tom Price
GA1S Saxby Chambliss
GU1R Madeleine Z. Bordallo
HI1R Neil Abercrombie
HI1S Daniel Kahikina Akaka
IA1R Bruce Braley
IA2R Dave Loebsack
IA1S Tom Harkin
ID1R Walt Minnick
ID1S James E. Risch
IL1R Bobby L. Rush
IL2R Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.
IL3R Daniel Lipinski
IL4R Luis V. Gutierrez
IL5R Mike Quigley
IL6R Peter Roskam
IL7R Danny K. Davis
IL8R Melissa Bean
IL9R Jan Schakowsky
IL10R Mark Steven Kirk
IL1S Dick Durbin
IN1R Pete Visclosky
IN2R Joe Donnelly
IN3R Mark Souder
IN4R Steve Buyer
IN5R Dan Burton
IN1S Richard G. Lugar
KS1R Jerry Moran
KS2R Lynn Jenkins
KS1S Pat Roberts
KY1R Ed Whitfield
KY2R Brett Guthrie
KY3R John Yarmuth
KY2S Jim Bunning
LA1R Steve Scalise
LA2R Joseph Cao
LA3R Charlie Melancon
LA1S Mary Landrieu
MA1R John W. Olver
MA2R Richard E. Neal
MA3R Jim McGovern
MA4R Barney Frank
MA5R Niki Tsongas
MA1S Edward M. Kennedy
MD1R Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.
MD2R Dutch Ruppersberger
MD3R John Sarbanes
MD4R Donna F. Edwards
MD1S Benjamin L. Cardin
ME1R Chellie Pingree
ME1S Olympia J. Snowe
MI1R Bart Stupak
MI2R Pete Hoekstra
MI3R Vern Ehlers
MI4R Dave Camp
MI5R Dale E. Kildee
MI6R Fred Upton
MI7R Mark Schauer
MI8R Mike Rogers
MI1S Debbie Stabenow
MN1R Tim Walz
MN2R John Kline
MN3R Erik Paulsen
MN4R Betty McCollum
MN1S Amy Klobuchar
MO1R Wm. Lacy Clay
MO2R Todd Akin
MO3R Russ Carnahan
MO4R Ike Skelton
MO5R Emanuel Cleaver, II
MO1S Claire McCaskill
MS1R Travis W. Childers
MS2R Bennie Thompson
MS1S Roger Wicker
MT1R Denny Rehberg
MT1S Jon Tester
NC1R G.K. Butterfield
NC2R Bob Etheridge
NC3R Walter B. Jones
NC4R David Price
NC5R Virginia Foxx
NC6R Howard Coble
NC1S Kay Hagan
ND1S Kent Conrad
NE1R Jeff Fortenberry
NE2R Lee Terry
NE1S Ben Nelson
NH1R Carol Shea-Porter
NH1S Jeanne Shaheen
NJ1R Robert E. Andrews
NJ2R Frank A. LoBiondo
NJ3R John Adler
NJ4R Chris Smith
NJ5R Scott Garrett
NJ6R Frank Pallone, Jr.
NJ1S Robert Menendez
NM1R Martin T. Heinrich
NM1S Jeff Bingaman
NV1R Shelley Berkley
NV1S John Ensign
NY1R Tim Bishop
NY2R Steve Israel
NY3R Pete King
NY4R Carolyn McCarthy
NY5R Gary Ackerman
NY6R Gregory W. Meeks
NY7R Joseph Crowley
NY8R Jerrold Nadler
NY9R Anthony Weiner
NY10R Edolphus Towns
NY11R Yvette D. Clarke
NY12R Nydia M. Velázquez
NY13R Michael E. McMahon
NY14R Carolyn B. Maloney
NY15R Charles B. Rangel
NY1S Kirsten Gillibrand
OH1R Steve Driehaus
OH2R Jean Schmidt
OH3R Michael Turner
OH4R Jim Jordan
OH5R Bob Latta
OH6R Charlie Wilson
OH7R Steve Austria
OH8R John Boehner
OH9R Marcy Kaptur
OH1S Sherrod Brown
OK1R John Sullivan
OK2R Dan Boren
OK3R Frank Lucas
OK1S James M. Inhofe
OR1R David Wu
OR2R Greg Walden
OR1S Jeff Merkley
PA1R Robert Brady
PA2R Chaka Fattah
PA3R Kathy Dahlkemper
PA4R Jason Altmire
PA5R Glenn Thompson
PA6R Jim Gerlach
PA7R Joe Sestak
PA8R Patrick J. Murphy
PA9R Bill Schuster
PA10R Christopher P. Carney
PA1S Robert P. Casey, Jr.
RI1R Patrick J. Kennedy
RI1S Sheldon Whitehouse
SC1R Henry E. Brown, Jr.
SC2R Joe Wilson
SC3R J. Gresham Barrett
SC1S Lindsey Graham
SD1S Tim Johnson
TN1R Phil Roe
TN2R John J. Duncan, Jr.
TN3R Zach Wamp
TN4R Lincoln Davis
TN1S Bob Corker
TX1R Louie Gohmert
TX2R Ted Poe
TX3R Sam Johnson
TX4R Ralph M. Hall
TX5R Jeb Hensarling
TX6R Joe Barton
TX7R John Culberson
TX8R Kevin Brady
TX9R Al Green
TX10R Michael McCaul
TX11R Mike Conaway
TX12R Kay Granger
TX13R Mac Thornberry
TX14R Ron Paul
TX15R Rubén Hinojosa
TX1S Kay Bailey Hutchison
UT1R Rob Bishop
UT2R Jim Matheson
UT1S Orrin Hatch
VA1R Rob Wittman
VA2R Glenn Nye
VA3R Bobby Scott
VA4R J. Randy Forbes
VA5R Tom Perriello
VA1S Jim Webb
VT1S Bernard Sanders
WA1R Jay Inslee
WA2R Rick Larsen
WA3R Brian Baird
WA4R Doc Hastings
WA1S Maria Cantwell
WI1R Paul Ryan
WI2R Tammy Baldwin
WI3R Ron Kind
WI4R Gwen Moore
WI1S Herb Kohl
WV1R Alan B. Mollohan
WV2R Shelley Moore Capito
WV1S Robert C. Byrd
WY1R Cynthia Lummis
WY1S John Barrasso
EX1 Barack Obama
EX3 Hillary Rodham Clinton
EX5 Robert M. Gates
EX7 Ken Salazar
EX9 Gary Locke
EX11 Kathleen Sebelius
EX13 Ray LaHood
EX15 Arne Duncan
EX17 Janet Napolitano
EX19 Lisa Jackson
EX21 Ron Kirk
EX23 Rahm Emanuel
EX1G Barack Obama Gold
JU1 John Roberts
JU3 Stephen Breyer
JU5 Anthony Kennedy
JU8 John Paul Stevens
JU9 Clarence Thomas
White House
WH1 Michelle Obama
WH2 Bo
WH3 Air Force One
WH4 Marine One