Brooke Bond Liebig : Come siamo andati sulla Luna

Liebig's Extract of Meat Company was established in London by Justus Freiherr von Liebig in 1865. The company produced over 11,000 different advertising trade cards worldwide from 1870–1975. Liebig merged with Brooke Bond in 1968, becoming Brooke Bond Liebig

Come siamo andati sulla Luna (How we went to the Moon) cards were issued in two series from 1971–1972. Both series were distributed in six-card sets bound in a paper strap. The card text is printed in Italian. The collection features illustrations of Project Apollo mission objectives. The cards advertise broth and extracts from Liebig.

1971 Liebig Serie 320 : Come siamo andati sulla Luna

Liebig Serie 320 cards were distributed in 1971 by Compagnia Italiana Liebig S.p.A. of Milan. The American Card Catalog reference is F-1844. The Sanguinetti Catalogue series number is 1867. Serie 320 cards were reprinted in 1975 by Brooke Bond Liebig S.p.A. The reproduction set does not contain company branding on the card backs.

Liebig Serie 326 cards were distributed in 1972 by Brooke Bond Liebig S.p.A. The American Card Catalog reference is F-1851. The Sanguinetti Catalogue series number is 1854.

Serie 320 : Come siamo andati sulla Luna
1 La partenza The departure
2 Il distacco della capsula The detachment of the capsule
3 La manovra di aggancio The coupling maneuver
4 La congiunzione con il LEM The conjunction with the LEM
5 In viaggio verso la luna Traveling to the moon
6 Lo sgancio del LEM The release of the LEM
Serie 326 : Come siamo andati sulla Luna
1 L'allumaggio The lighting
2 Sbarco degli astronauti sulla Luna Landing of astronauts on the Moon
3 Si stacca il LEM con i due Astronauti The LEM comes off with the two Astronauts
4 Il LEM si riaggancia all'Apollo The LEM reattaches to the Apollo
5 Il modulo di comando entra negli strati alti dell'atmosfera The command module enters the upper atmosphere
6 Ammaraggio nel Pacifico Ditching in the Pacific