1975 Brooke Bond Picture Cards : Inventors & Inventions

1975 Brooke Bond Picture Cards : Inventors & Inventions

Brooke Bond Picture Cards Inventors & Inventions were released in 1975 by Brooke Bond Oxo Ltd. of Surrey. The 50-card series was distributed in the United Kingdom with purchases of Brooke Bond tea. The collection showcases inventions and technological achievements throughout history. The card text was written by Ken Roscoe. The images were illustrated by Barry Rowe.

Each card measures approximately 1.4 x 2.7 inches (36 x 68 mm). The Brooke Bond Picture Cards Inventors & Inventions collector album was sold separately at participating grocers and mail order for eight pence. The album foreword was authored by Raymond Baxter.

"The Transistor, 1946" includes an illustration of a Project Gemini spacecraft.

1975 Brooke Bond Inventors & Inventions #46 - The Transistor, 1947

"Three Americans are jointly credited with the invention of the transistor – William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. Their invention was first demonstrated in 1948 at the Bell Telegraph Laboratories in the U.S.A. Transistors have brought about a revolution in radio and electronics, and have almost completely replaced the old radio valve because of their remarkable reliability, toughness and incredibly small size. In fact, without the transistor, the computers used in manned spacecraft would be so heavy that the rockets might never get off the ground!"

1975 Brooke Bond Inventors & Inventions #46 - The Transistor, 1947

1 The Wheel
2 The Plough
3 Archimedes (c. 287–212 BC)
4 The Card Compass, 1302
5 History of Printing
6 Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)
7 The Microscope, 1590
8 The Telescope, 1608
9 Measurement of Time
10 The Steam Engine, 1705
11 The Piano, 1709
12 Mariner's Sextant
13 The Fire Extinguisher, 1734
14 The Typewriter, 1744
15 Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790)
16 The Spinning Machine, 1768
17 History of the Lock
18 The Sewing Machine, 1790
19 The Electric Battery, 1799
20 George Stephenson's 'Rocket', 1829
21 The Miner's Safety Lamp, 1815
22 The Bicycle, 1816
23 Reading for the Blind, 1829
24 The Dynamo, 1831
25 The Refrigerator, 1834
26 The Revolver, 1835
27 The Nut and Bolt
28 Plate and Roll-Film Cameras
29 The Morse Code, 1837
30 The Pneumatic Tyre, 1845
31 The Safety Razor, 1895
32 The Lifeboat, 1790
33 Traffic Signals, 1866
34 The Telephone, 1876
35 Thomas Alva Edison (1847–1931)
36 The Washing Machine, c. 1860
37 Guglielmo Marconi (1874–1937)
38 The Motor Car, 1885
39 The Movie Camera, 1889
40 The Vacuum Cleaner, 1901
41 The Hearing Aid, c. 1920
42 Television, 1925
43 Catseyes, 1934
44 Radar, 1935
45 The Jet Engine, 1930
46 The Transistor, 1947
47 The Polaroid Camera, 1947
48 The Hovercraft, 1954
49 Hydrofoil Ships, 1958
50 A Peep into the Future