1973 Brooke Bond Picture Cards : History of Adventurers & Explorers

1973 Brooke Bond : Adventurers & Explorers Picture Cards

Brooke Bond Picture Cards History of Adventurers & Explorers were released in 1973 by Brooke Bond Oxo Ltd. of Surrey. The 50-card series was distributed in the United Kingdom with purchases of Brooke Bond Tea. Each card measures approximately 69 x 37 mm. The History of Adventurers and Explorers album was available for five pence from participating grocers and mail order.

The collection was illustrated by John Beswick. The card and album text was authored by Tim Severin. The album was printed in England by The Berkshire Printing Co. Ltd. The series was made in co-operation with the British Airports Authority and the Royal Geographic Society.

1973 Brooke Bond : Adventurers & Explorers #49 - Yuri Gagarin

The series features cards for Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong. Gagarin is depicted aboard the Vostok 3KA spacecraft on April 12, 1961. The "Neil Armstrong" card illustration is erroneously based on a photograph of Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin during the Apollo 11 EVA on July 20, 1969.

1973 Brooke Bond : Adventurers & Explorers #50 - Neil Armstrong

1 John de Plano Carpini
2 Marco Polo
3 Leif Ericsson
4 Ibn Batuta
5 Francis Xavier
6 Christopher Columbus
7 Vasco da Gama
8 Ferdinand Magellan
9 Hernán Cortés
10 Francisco Pizarro
11 Francisco de Orellana
12 Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca
13 Sir Francis Drake
14 John Davis
15 Jacques Cartier
16 René Robert Cavelier
17 Abel Janszoon Tasman
18 William Dampier
19 James Cook
20 Mungo Park
21 René Caillié
22 Sir Alexander Mackenzie
23 Meriwether Lewis / William Clark
24 Sir Richard Burton
25 John Hanning Speke
26 David Livingstone
27 Sir Henry Morton Stanley
28 John McDouall Stuart
29 Alexander von Humboldt
30 Henry Walter Bates
31 Baron Nils Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld
32 Fridtjof Nansen
33 Robert Edwin Peary
34 Roald Amundsen
35 Robert Falcon Scott
36 Ernest Henry Shackleton
37 Sir John William Alcock / Sir Arthur Whitten Brown
38 Charles Lindbergh
39 Amy Johnson
40 Thor Heyerdahl
41 Alain Bombard
42 Sir Edmund Percival Hillary / Norgay Tenzing
43 Joshua Slocum
44 Sir Francis Chichester
45 Wilfrid Patrick Thesiger
46 Walter William Herbert
47 Auguste Piccard
48 Jacques Cousteau
49 Yuri Gagarin
50 Neil Alden Armstrong