2012 Executive Trading : 112th Congress Trading Cards

2012 Executive Trading : 112th Congress Trading Cards

112th Congress Trading Cards were released in 2012 by Executive Trading LLC. The 15-card collection is an update to the Politicians Trading Cards series issued in 2009.

2012 Executive Trading : 112th Congress Cards #7 : Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio

Florida Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio are featured on card #7. Senator Rubio began their "Rookie" term on January 3, 2011.

Bill Nelson served in the House of Representatives from 1972–1991, and as Florida Senator from 2001–2019. Nelson is the second sitting member of Congress to travel into space after Senator Jake Garn in 1985. Nelson was a payload specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-61-C from January 12–18, 1986. Bill Nelson was sworn in as the 14th NASA Administrator on May 3, 2021.

112th Congress Trading Cards
1 Barack Obama Democratic Party
2 Mitt Romney Republican Party
3 Ron Paul Republican Party
4 Sarah Palin Republican Party
7 Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio Senators
8 Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell Senators
56 John Boenner, Steve Austria, Steve Latourette, Pat Tiberi OH18
57 Barbara Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry McNerney, John Garamendi CA53
134 Jaime Herrera Beutler, Allen West, Tim Scott, Rick Berg Rookie Representatives
135 Terri Sewell, Karen Bass, John C. Carney, Jr., Frederica Wilson Rookie Representatives
209 Hilary Clinton United States Secretary of State
233 Elena Kagan Associate Justice Rookie
241 Norm Dicks Football
242 Tea Party Express
EX2 Joe Biden Vice President